Meet Mahsa Esmaeili
Registered Dietitian

Hey there!

Welcome to my corner of the web. As a registered dietitian with over a decade of experience, my mission is to empower you to nourish your mind and body. With a strong foundation in science and nutrition, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. My journey includes obtaining degrees in biology, nutrition and a Master’s degree in Health Science specializing in Nutrition Communication. With this expertise, I strive to make nutrition accessible and understandable for as many people as possible.

My approach is rooted body positivity and mindfulness, emphasizing the importance of nourishing both body and mind. Additionally, I focus on providing honest, simple and practical information that you can apply to your everyday life.

I believe that true well-being encompasses not only what we eat but also how we think about feel about ourselves. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools required to help you cultivate a positive relationship with food and embrace self-care practices that honour your unique needs.

Whether you are seeking personalized counselling, engaging resources or insights into the latest nutritional trends, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Together, let’s unlock the transformative power of food and embrace a healthier, happier and more mindful you.