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Watermelon and Lemon Ice Pops

watermelon and lemon ice pops


Watermelon and lemon ice pops, need I say more? With summer officially starting and the weather starting to get warmer, our usual hot beverages are being replaced with iced tea, iced coffee, ice cream, popsicles and even those fancy cold drinks…you know which ones I’m talking about! Today, I want to share a really simple recipe with you that is fun, delicious and hydrating for the warm summer months, with only two ingredients, you cannot go wrong!


Going out and enjoying a nice gelato or ice cream is a nice treat but what I hope to accomplish with this recipe is to show you really how simple it can be to add a little hydration and make these really simple watermelon and lemon ice pops or popsicles at home. There are NO added ingredients other than the watermelon and lemon in this recipe. You can make these ice pops more complicated by adding more ingredients (e.g. mint, fruit slices) but you really don’t have to, in fact, I insist that you don’t. Keep it simple! This is a great opportunity to get your kids involved in the kitchen. Plus, nobody wants to be working for hours in the kitchen during the hot summer months. So, whether you are celebrating a milestone, or a nice summer day, these watermelon and lemon ice pops are definitely a must have treat!

Nutrition Spotlight

Watermelon is a fruit that is enjoyed during the summer in a variety of different forms. We all have some memory of eating a watermelon wedge while bent over on a park bench so that the juice from the fruit didn’t make our nice clean clothes all dirty. Today, watermelon is enjoyed in a variety of different ways, including as a snack, on salads, grilled, and in this case as a popsicle!


A ripe watermelon has a nice dark pink/red colour to it when cut open. This dark pink/red flesh is what makes this fruit so special. Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives watermelon and other fruit including tomatoes and pink grapefruit its pink/red colour. Lycopene has been studied for its health benefits, particularly as an antioxidant. Other than lycopene, watermelon is also a source of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and magnesium. So what are you waiting for? You need 2 ingredients, a blender and a popsicle mold. Ready, set…


watermelon and lemon ice pops


Watermelon and Lemon Ice Pops Recipe
Recipe type: Snack/Dessert
Cook time: 
Total time: 
This quick and easy popsicle recipe is refreshing and guaranteed to keep you cool this summer!
  • 4 cups watermelon, cubed
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  1. Add the watermelon and lemon juice to a blender and blend until liquid.
  2. Pour the liquid into the popsicle molds and freeze for approximately 4 hours. If you are using popsicle sticks, add them later to the molds when they are partially frozen.




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